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How Gardening Helps Mental Health

You feel peaceful whenever you look at plants, flowers or trees. I am sure that you must have felt this while you gaze at any plant or a tree from your window. You must have felt peaceful. Science proves interacting with plants is beneficial to human health.
In this post, we will talk about the various reasons to bring plants into your life. We'll talk about the Physical as well as Psychological benefits of plants and gardening.

Physical Benefits of Plants and Gardening

  • Improves Air Quality

Benefits of the plant are not just limited to their attractiveness, but they also improve Air Quality. According to an article published in “Water, Air and Soil Pollution,” the majority of urban residents spend their time indoors, where air pollution can be several times higher than outdoors. Plants remove toxic compounds such as benzene, a carcinogen (can cause cancer) from the air. Outdoor plants reduce air pollution.
  • Promotes Exercise

The majority of people do not exercise enough. Gardening acts as a medium for such people. Gardening is a fun and easy way to incorporate exercise in one's life. Lack of exercise can lead to various heart diseases and slows down metabolism. Working with plants helps individuals get the physical activity they need to stay in shape. Working with plants will lead them to learn about the plants. It will also aware them about nature and incorporate a good habit in them.
  • Decreases Risk of Illness

The frequency of diseases such as heart diseases, stroke, depression, diabetes, obesity has become a Global concern. Mostly, these diseases are common in urban people. Gardening is one of the best ways of interaction with nature. In many countries, it is enjoyed as a hobby and popular pastime. It is one of those activities which requires a little invest, and in return give us the valuable life-free from diseases. Gardening also reduces the level of stress, anxiety and tension in a human being.
  • Promotes Healthy Eating

Nowadays, the fruits that we get are harvested by application of chemical fertilizers, hazardous pesticides and various inorganic practices. Due to the ever-increasing population, the demand for fruits and vegetables has increased exponentially. So to fulfil the demands, most of the farmers use chemical methods for their production. And due to this, much dangerous toxic substances get accumulated in our body which causes so many diseases. You must try to grow certain fruits and vegetables in your garden or home, which will be free from toxic substances and will have maximum nutrients.
See our Growing Guides where we have various articles on growing fruits/vegetables easily in your home and that too in an organic way.
How Gardening helps mental health

Psychological Benefits of Plants and Gardening

  • Improves Mood

Plants improve mood, makes you more relaxed and calm and makes you happier. In a survey conducted at four San Francisco Bay Area hospitals, 79 percent of patients said they felt more relaxed and calm, 19 percent felt more positive, and 25 percent felt refreshed and stronger after spending time in a garden. Flowers also evoke positive emotions. For example, in a 2005 study, women who received flowers reported more positive moods three days later. Elderly patients who received flowers also reported brighter moods and improved episodic memory.
  • Relieves Stress

Looking at plants and flowers makes you feel happy and free from worries. It fills you with positive energy. Another study, published in the “Journal of Health Psychology,” compared the effects of outdoor gardening to indoor reading. The study reveals both gardening and reading decrease cortisol levels. However, stress levels decrease significantly more with gardening. Likewise, the study participants enjoyed a fully restored positive mood after gardening.

Reference- Hside.org

Exclusive Tips @Green Up

  • Don't pool the soil with water as your plant will die with excess water.
  • After transplanting the plant, do not keep directly under sun. Keep it first few days under shade (if possible), then a few days later, take them out under the sun.
  • Spray organic pesticides, so that it does not hinders the plant's growth, such as dilute solution of Neem Oil mixed with shampoo. Learn more about treating Pesticides.
  • Learn more about fertilizers and their usage, doses.
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