Plants Diseases & Treatment
Today we have enough knowledge about most parasites, insects, viruses, fungi and bacteria that can affect our plants. Always, the first step to stop a plague is to know it, know its characteristics and habits, so then we will make a list of pests and diseases that may hit our garden more frequently, to know how to fight against them in case they catch our cultivated plants. Let's start with the Parasites:
Well, known by its scientific name, Phytophthora infestans. The symptoms are easily recognizable because it provokes spots of colours that turn from green to yellow in leaves, stems and fruits. The crops that are usually affected by this fungus are Potato, Tomato, Pumpkins, Cucumbers and many more. The plants that are usually affected by this fungus are Roses, Chrysanthemums, Sunflowers, Begonias and Dahlias.
Baking Soda: Baking Soda combined with liquid soap and water, can be used for mildew treatment. Mainly, it should be used for prevention more than treatment. Combine one tablespoon of baking soda and one-half tablespoon of liquid, non-detergent soap with about 3 litres of water, and spray the mixture over the plants.
Organic Fungicide Treatments: There are lots of Fungicides available that
are environmentally friendly and approved for organic
gardening. These will be highly efficient in treating the mildew.
Mouthwash: The mouthwash you use can be used for killing the powdery mildew. Mouthwash contains a chemical Chlorhexidine, that is used as a disinfectant; can prove itself effective for killing mildew. Mix 25 ml of mouthwash with 75 ml of water to make a 100 ml solution, and spray over the plants. NOTE- New growth may get affected temporarily.
Read More: Growing Roses for Beginners | GreenUp
Possibly the most known parasite. There are many species, but all are characterized by having a sucker peak with which they pierce the leaves and stems of the plants to feed on the sap. These are tiny brown, black sometimes green bugs. They suck the plants sap out of their leaves, and the plant dies. The crops that are usually affected by Aphids are beans, cabbages, potatoes and many more.
Companion Planting: Some plants can help us in preventing the growth of aphids. Plants such as Garlic, Chives and mustard help in repelling aphids. You can plant them along with your other infected plants.
Neem Oil: Neem oil coats the exterior of the aphids and causes them to smoother and die. It also has anti-fungal properties which help in prevention from fungal growth.
You can also dust plants with Wood Ash to remove aphids. It does not harm to the plants and also prevents any other fungal growth.
Red Spider Mites
Well known by its scientific name, Tetranichus Urticae, they are red spiders of very small size. They reside mainly underside of the leaves. They damage the leaves by leaving a yellow spot on the leaves. Damaged leaves end up drying and falling. A lot of crops, fruit trees and plants get affected by this insect.
Spray Water: If the number of mites is not much high, you can spray soft water over your plants. Spraying soft water regularly will help in removal of red spider mites.
Companion Planting: Some plants can help us in preventing the growth of red mites. Plants such as Garlic, Chives, Cinnamon, Rosemary, lemongrass, Neem and mustard help in repelling aphids. You can plant them along with your other infected plants.
Insecticide: Any insecticide would do the work easily.
These are microscopic worms that find their perfect habitat in most soils, especially those with high humidity. Because of this, they are very typical parasites in the orchards. They attack mainly the roots, to feed on them. The plants that are affected by nematodes are Watermelons, Grapes, Potatoes, sunflower and many more.
Quillaja Saponaria compounds use the saponins, a toxic compound from the soap bark tree to help reduce Nematode population.
Neem seed meal mixed in the soil can be used against root knot nematodes.
Soil Solarization: To solarize your soil, till the soil and flatten it out. Dampen the soil evenly, and then place a thick sheet of clear plastic overtop the soil surface. Leave the plastic there during summers for about 2 to 3 months.
Marigold Planting: Plant marigold plants as they release a compound in the soil which is toxic for nematodes.
Read More: How to Grow Chilli Plants at Home | GreenUp
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